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Where dreams take flight!
Supercamp 2025

I will be attending as a :
Preferred Playing Age Group:
I will be travelling to the camp by:
I would like to be collected and dropped off at terminal:

Please provide arrival and departure details to Supercamp in writing or below.

Travelling by Bus:
I give permission for photographs/film that may include my child to be taken by Supercamp staff for use in Supercamp promotions:


Medical Details

Do you have current ambulance cover?
Do you have current private health insurance?

Release & Waiver of Liability

Should a camper leave the camp because of injury or illness, no refund will be given. Supercamp reserves the right to cancel the camp at any time. Should a camp be cancelled, all monies will be refunded. While participating in physical activities, each participant is assumed to be voluntarily performing these activities, for which he/she assumes all risks, consequences, and potential liability. Supercamp reserves the right to search rooms and bags and confiscate any items which do not conform to camp rules. Supercamp and its staff shall not be held responsible by reason of accident, illness, injury, death, and other consequences arising or resulting directly from participating in Supercamp. Supercamp and its staff shall not be held responsible for any medical costs by reason of accident, illness, injury, death, and other consequences arising or resulting directly from participation in Supercamp. Should a camper become ill or injured, Supercamp will transport the camper to the local base hospital or call an ambulance. Lost keys will incur a $25.00 penalty. Sometimes, due to unforeseen circumstances, coach(es) promoted to attend the Release & Waiver of Liability Toowoomba Basketball Supercamp. Toowoomba Basketball Supercamp JUNE DECEMBER Supercamp may be unable to do so; however, Supercamp will always provide a high-quality coaching staff.


All cancellations must be made in writing and postmarked or emailed 30 days prior to the 1st day of the camp. Should you cancel within 30 days of the camp, you will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Alternatively, your position can be held over for the next Supercamp of your choice, regardless of location.

I have read and understood the above Release and Waiver of Liability

Supercamp Products

*To select multiple products you will have to go through the form again.

Select an item (AU$)

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